Sunday, April 05, 2009

time goes by, life goes on

i just cant stand staying at home with nothing for me to do. i need to be out, out somewhere, with something for me to do. now i cant wait for work to start, at least i'll be busy with something, and to stop things from running in my mind. on the other hand, start of work equals to '' no life". which is what i dont want :((

sigh, sometimes in life, you have to give up something for another.

there is no such thing as "your fault" or "my fault" because no one can control feelings. it comes and goes as and when it likes and somehow it would creates a different impact on different people.

thinking, somehow its rather sad when people you know became people you knew, when you can walk right past someone like they were never a part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours and now you can even barely look at them. time changes everything. from strangers to friends to lovers and back to strangers again.

on a rainy sunday afternoon, with me being very bored, ignore the nonsense above.

no matter how dark the night is,
the sun will rise again.