Zone 8 Retreat on 26th to 27th Dec @ Coasta Sands Resort
to summarize : bbq, talk cock sing song, celebration of me and zheng yee's birthday, xmas gift exchange, alcohol drinking, circle of death.
spent my 20th with this bunch of happening people :D got whacked by them when the clock strikes 12 midnight. you know who you are huh. haha. played somes games, got real high, and you know how it is when it comes to drinking, oh well..
next day was spent slacking in the chalet while the rest went WWW. dinner at Just Acia with them and once again, thanks all for the LOUD birthday song sang ah :D
and there's like LOTS OF UNGLAM PICTURES AND VIDEOS posted up on facebook =.=
and not forgetting those that wished me through sms, calls, facebook, thankyou :D even though there's some that i didnt expect them to remember. LOVEYOU ALL :D