went down to eastview straight after school. & on the way, the train jammed again, wait for like 15 mins before it started moving. encounter this situation like 2 times in a week already =.=
viewed the Speech Day Parade. then went up to the hall. took the ''friends of the school (SJAB)" award. stayed for awhile then home sweet home (:
first week of school had ended. & it was more or less a waking up call for us? Year 3 is gonna be tough journey for us man. starting this coming week, there'll be 2 tutorial presentations each week. week 3 onwards will be full blast chionging exams & presentations. OMG. in less than 2 weeks time, i got to mug for exams already :((
i wonder, how to be able to complete the projects on time, & i
& we got to start thinking what to do for Final Year Project (FYP) already. week 17 is the deadline, not very far though :((
i guess my sleeping hours will change from next week onwards. it'll be back to those 4am /5am sleeping hrs :((((((((((((
let me go through the final semester in school peacefully
when nothing you do can change my mind