Monday, October 13, 2008

will it become real?


first day of gerontology posting. ever since my 5 weeks of hols, my biological clock has been tuned to waking up at 12/1 pm in the afternoon. that explains the difficulty in waking up so early this morning. and the very first thing that i felt when i woke up was a damn sickening headache :((

spent 3/4 of the day having orientation. very good (: been like 7mths since we stepped into the ward. been very long since we bathe patients, changed diapers, serve medications. but we dint do much today, just getting used to the ward.

the whole ward is full of old people, 60 yrs and above. mostly bed bound. as what the clinical instructor says, "they are now in their last lap of life, they have already given lots to the society and now its time for them to rest, so give them the best nursing care that we can, make them feel happy, cause everybody only live once, make it one with no regrets".

damn. till now the sickening headache is still bugging me :((

why did you appear in my dreams last night?