Sunday, July 18, 2010

as one


this is the colour of my toenails now; BLUE :)

head down to NHQ yesterday to be examiner for first aid exam. the rain was seriously heavy, the pavement under my blocks were flooded till ankle deep -.- and we saw a tree collapse in the middle of the highway, major traffic jam.

went back home to sleep for a hour before going for night shift. SJ events always never fails to clash with my night shift. therefore im damn cui at night, nearly concuss at work and the time seems to pass tooo slowly.

but still survived! reached home and concuss on my bed and was awaken by the delivery guy who send my wardrobe in. now i've got additional big wardrobe in my room for the extra clothes/bags and a full length mirror; i like :) but my bank acct got a hole :(

need to control my spendings.
pay day is just next weeeekkkkk!
