Wednesday, September 23, 2009

trust or doubt?

my new love :)

anyway, working on public holiday is like shiok to the max. the ward is half full, with almost nothing to do. was facebooking all the way on sunday and monday. haha. we even had spring cleaning in the ward for the "Clean & Green Week". gave all the trolleys a good scrub and polish. all looked so shiny and the reflections are so clear. *thumbs up* :))
some patients even asked, "scrubbing trolleys also part of missy's job ar?" LOL!


have been working for consecutive 8 days already. finally today's an off day for me! happy :))

my back pain is like getting worse :(( all my patients are so much heavier than me that i always strained my back transferring them :(( even proper transferring techniques doesnt help at all!!rahhhhh!!!!

to believe everything or to doubt everything?